MAEKAN Session 03 proved to be an interesting one for us. We brought together four different personalities from different walks of life to each share their experiences and insights into Atlanta and its buzzing creative scene. To give you an idea of the range of guests, Amanda Sabreah comes from the tech start-up world, Childish Major is a rapper and producer, Diwang Valdez is a Creative Director behind some of your favorite music videos, and Trévon Williams is a Creative Director behind a creative and talent management agency. The general assumption is that Atlanta is a music town, dominated predominately by trap music. It’s hard to shake this label but as Amanda, Childish Major, Diwang, and Trévon suggest, there’s a lot more on the horizon for Atlanta. Some of the topics in ranged from the challenges of being based in Atlanta, the overwhelming support amongst locals for each other, how racial diversity is a strong suit of the city, and finally what are some of the key spots to check out in Atlanta.

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A list of the mentioned links in the MAEKAN Session can be seen here:
Good things happening in ATL
No Comment Series initiated by Re:imagine
Atlanta Creatives
Atlanta Food Spots