Taking a Community Offline

with ComplexCon


We live in a digital world. There’s little to suggest that will ever change. But we’re often forgetting the importance of interacting, building and connecting in the real world. Follow along as MAEKAN outlines the importance of community building offline in preparation for the inaugural ComplexCon.

These are the test prints for a community photo project

People can tag an Instagram post with #storiesforthecurious to submit a photo that we’ll print and pin up on the spot.

We’ve moved so far into a digitally-dependent world; there’s a sense of no turning back. There’s little to suggest that will ever change, but we’re often forgetting the importance of interacting, building and connecting in the real world. Follow along as MAEKAN outlines the importance of community building offline in preparation for the inaugural ComplexCon.

Information has never been more accessible, more desirable or more influential. This access at our fingertips, however, is one of culture’s greatest paradoxes. We’re confronted with endless information that appears to impart a sense of false intellectualism. Many cultures are content with operating purely in the digital realm. But, a physical interaction often translates into deeper and more meaningful interactions.

Alex making some highlights with a dry-erase marker.

MAEKAN is heading to Long Beach later this week to take part in ComplexCon. It’s a consumer-facing show that will tackle the world of fashion, art, food and entertainment. Physical space in this environment is essential. It offers an invaluable opportunity to break away from the digital world, experiment with a unique, multi-sensory experience, and engage with the curious. We’ll showcase our stories offline in an audio experience with a community-based photo project.

A healthy and successful community is dependent on an inflow and outflow of interaction between all those involved. If there isn’t a contribution to the community by its members, it ceases to be innovative and grow. Likewise, if there isn’t an outflow of support, community members often stop contributing. Both sides need to be aware of their roles and contributions for a sustainable platform. At the MAEKAN booth, users will be able to share their favorite photos with the hashtag #storiesforthecurious on Instagram. These images can then be printed and affixed to the wall with the member’s own unique message. In return, they’ll receive a print from one of the three stories we’ve showcased on the wall.

ComplexCon takes place on November 5th and 6th at Long Beach Convention Center. Tickets are available here.

David Kenji Chang talks with the founder in his LA studio and new shop to talk about his life’s work and staying weird in a weird world.
Eugene talks about our recent strides with reinvigorating our creative processes and continuing to move forward, even as the challenges we sought to solve and the world around us continue to evolve.